A selection of our work in emergency management.


Uchucklesaht All-hazards emergency management 2021-2022

Land Forest People is working with Uchucklesaht Tribe Government to develop their all-hazards emergency management plan. This is being done through a collaborative process to design a system that fits their modern treaty governance system. The remote village location presents transportation challenges and they must deal with severe winter weather conditions. These factors require a dual emphasis on self-reliance and external agency collaboration. Together we are building community resilience though quality emergency planning and preparedness. 


Ts'uubaa-asatx 2020-2021

Emergency management planning at Ts'uubaa-asatx enjoys hands-on member involvement despite the small size of the community.  Our work has included development and testing of an all-hazards emergency management plan and has put an emphasis on mitigating the risk associated with wildfires. We did this through the application of FireSmart principles while supporting the community to build their customized all-hazards emergency plan from the ground up. 


Q'aLaTKu7eM Flood Mitigation Project (2018-2019)

Land Forest People worked with the Lower Stl’atl’imx Tribal Council and Samahquam to explore options for flood mitigation in the community of Q’aLaTKu7eM, near the confluence of the Lillooet River and Billygoat (29 Mile) Creek. The work was undertaken in collaboration with archaeological and geotechnical experts and has involved navigating both a newly-discovered Stl’atl’imx village site and the unique situation of Q’aLaTKu7eM within the Lillooet River floodplain to design a culturally-sensitive and sustainable solution for the community.